Sneak Peak! - Behind The Scenes

Verkar som att han kommer vara shirtless mycket ;)
Va tycker ni? Hot? Or not?
On the set of Beastly!
When we arrived at the massive sound stage complex outside Montreal, the crew was preparing to shoot a scene on the roof of the beast's lair and we found the set to be amazing. Hot "beast" Alex Pettyfer brought us a bottle of water while in his freaky and unexpected make-up with a cheery 'Here you go, from your own personal beast/slave"! We were a bit startled but if Alex's make-up is any indication, the film will be a visual knock-out. The film's producer Susan Cartsonis told us that cute Mr. Pettyfer does have "a bad boy edge to him". We can't wait to see more evidence of this!
While outside the huge sound stages, we were able to find Vanessa near her trailer and sit down for a chat. We're saving most of what she told us about her experience on the film until closer to release date next year but we can say that she finds Alex, as the beast, quite "sexy and magical" and that there is one particular dress she wears in the film that she just loves. We also questioned her about the time she has spent in Montreal.
" Director Daniel Barnz also told us he was happy to see the story told through the beast's perspective rather than 'beauty's' "
(Dom skriver också: Keep checking back in for our interview with Alex, så förhoppningsvis får vi den snart :) )
Två nya bilder!

Hudgens "freaked out" by co-star Pettyfer

Speaking to MTV News, she said: "It was crazy, I saw the picture [of his 'Beast' make-up] for like a millisecond and then I was like, 'Oh no, I can't look!'
"I waited until I got to see him in person and it moved me in a really weird and peculiar way. It's so mind blowing the prosthetics they've done on him. He changes as a complete person. I was freaked out, honestly."
Åker med stil
BeastlyMovie har uppdaterat sin Twitter med en bild på bilen som Alex kommer åka i, i filmen.
"- Kyle Kingson travels in style!"
Om ni har Twitter, se till att följa BeastlyMovie för de senaste på plats :)
Hanna: Jag försöker uppdatera så mycket jag kan, men antingen glömmer jag bort eller så händer det inget i Alex-världen. Men jag ska försöka lägga upp bilder varje dag och gamla intervjuer/videos m.m.
Om ni har andra förslag på saker jag kan lägga upp, eller bilder/intervjuer/m.m, så är det bara att lämna en kommentar! :)
Nya Beastly-bilder!

Dom här bilderna är tagna från JustJaredJr.
Bilderna finns också på Beastly's hemsida:
Officiella hemsidan

Nu är den Officiella hemsidan för Beastly uppe :) Dock finns det inte så mkt där än, bara en widget (där Alex förvandlas, se mer HÄR) och en blankett där man kan skriva upp sig om man vill ha information om Beastly (eller annan information från CBS Films).
Förhoppningsvis kommer det snart upp fler saker på sidan :)
Beastly Widget
Beastly intervju
"I'm not sure if I actually kiss him in his beast state," Vanessa tells us. "I actually, still to this day, have not seen him in his beast costume because they're saving it as a surprise for me so the reaction is genuine, so I still don't know what to expect."
Sneek Peek
Shirtless påväg till trailern

Neil Patrick Harris
What better way to complement the previously announced Mary-Kate Olsen, Vanessa Hudgens, and Alex Pettyfer than with a little N.P.H. action?
THR reports tonight that Neil Patrick Harris has signed on to play a blind tutor who helps and bonds with a teen (Alex Pettyfer) who is shellshocked from being turned into a hideous young man in CBS Films' Beastly.

Läs artikeln HÄR.
I Montreal
Mary-Kate Olsen är en elak häxa
Minns ni Olsen tvillingarna? Variety säger att Mary-Kate Olsen har gått med i rollistan för Beastly.
She joins the cast along with Alex Pettyfer, who will play a handsome, egotistical young man who's cursed and transformed into everything he despises. I'm guessing that means ugly and poor (isn't that the way these things usually work?), in other words one of us. Mary-Kate will play the woman who curses him, which makes her a witch. Hudgens is, of course, the love interest who will see past Alex Pettyfer's awful exterior.
Läs hela HÄR.
Va tycker ni? Tror ni fler kommer att få upp ögonen för Alex nu när han spelar mot Vanessa Hudgens och Mary-Kate Olsen?
Alex kommer spela Kyle och hans 'sanna kärlek' spelas av High School Musical-stjärnan Vanessa Hudgens. Filmen är baserad på en bok av Alex Flinn och biopremiären är planerad till 30 juli 2010.
I am a beast.
A beast. Not quite wolf or bear, gorilla or dog but a horrible new creature who walks upright-a creature with fangs and claws and hair springing from every pore. I am a monster.
You think I'm talking fairy tales? No way. The place is New York City. The time is now. It's no deformity, no disease. And I'll stay this way forever-ruined-unless I can break the spell.
Yes, the spell, the one the witch in my English class cast on me. Why did she turn me into a beast who hides by day and prowls by night? I'll tell you. I'll tell you how I used to be Kyle Kingsbury, the guy you wished you were, with money, perfect looks, and the perfect life. And then, I'll tell you how I became perfectly . . . beastly.