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Sneak Peak! - Behind The Scenes

Verkar som att han kommer vara shirtless mycket ;)
Va tycker ni? Hot? Or not?
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Bliss magazine intervju
Alex har en intervju med i senaste numret av Bliss.
How would your best friend describe you?
"Ask him [phones his best friend, who doesn't answer]. I think he'd say I was confident, loyal and fun to be around. Oh, did you like my bum in the film Tormented?"
Er, yeah it was alright. What's your best quality?
"I'm an amazing boyfriend."
Cool. What's the most embarassing thing that's ever happened to you?
"[His Mum rings] I love you, mummy. Sorry! Most embarassing thing? Approaching a girl and being turned away."
Who's your celeb crush?
"Has to be Megan Fox. She's unbelievable. Who's yours?"
Er, aren't we meant to be asking the questions here? But since you ask, Chace Crawford is a very good looking chap...
"Do you think he's better looking than me?"
We're not answering that. So what's the girlie movie you secretly love?
"10 things I hate about you. I've always been a Heath Ledger fan."
Have you ever been naked in public?
"I ran over a bridge butt-naked once with the police following me. I streaked through a wedding as well. I felt really bad, but I had to escape the cops! It was a dare though - I wouldn't just run around naked!"
What's the last fib you told?
"What was the last fib you told? That Chace Crawford is better looking than me?"
We didn't say that!
"Is he? I don't care if you say yes."
Chase is hot, but we'd have to say you because you're here... So, getting back to the interview - the last fib you told?
"It was about my age. I said I was 22. Actually, you know what, a year ago I might have been annoyed if you said Chase was better looking than me, but I'm not any more."
Get over it! What did you dream about last night?
"You! To be honest, I didn't get much sleep. I haven't slept for the last week, so I'm a bit out of it. Actually, I do remember my last dream, but I'm not going to say it because it's a bit messed up!"
Right. Fill in the blank. When I was 16..
"I kissed my mate's mum. It was amazing. Just joking! I was learning how to fly a plane."
Have you ever cheated on someone?
"No. Cheating's not good. If you're with someone you're with someone."
What would you say is your worst quality?
"I can be really anxious. I worry quite a lot. I drink loads of herbal tea and use herbal rememdies to calm me down, though, which works well. I also used to be slightly insecure, but I've grown up a lot in the last lear."
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April Pearson och Alex - "Tormented"
Alex och dinosaurien
On the set of Beastly!
When we arrived at the massive sound stage complex outside Montreal, the crew was preparing to shoot a scene on the roof of the beast's lair and we found the set to be amazing. Hot "beast" Alex Pettyfer brought us a bottle of water while in his freaky and unexpected make-up with a cheery 'Here you go, from your own personal beast/slave"! We were a bit startled but if Alex's make-up is any indication, the film will be a visual knock-out. The film's producer Susan Cartsonis told us that cute Mr. Pettyfer does have "a bad boy edge to him". We can't wait to see more evidence of this!
While outside the huge sound stages, we were able to find Vanessa near her trailer and sit down for a chat. We're saving most of what she told us about her experience on the film until closer to release date next year but we can say that she finds Alex, as the beast, quite "sexy and magical" and that there is one particular dress she wears in the film that she just loves. We also questioned her about the time she has spent in Montreal.
" Director Daniel Barnz also told us he was happy to see the story told through the beast's perspective rather than 'beauty's' "
(Dom skriver också: Keep checking back in for our interview with Alex, så förhoppningsvis får vi den snart :) )
Två nya bilder!